reading books by louise hay, listening to poems by rumi set to music, meditating to a deepak chopra cd, and learning tai ji with this amazing man: chungliang al huang via the magic of youtube videos.
i've got clean eating going on too, thanks to the rawfully organic co-op, and am fired up to re-start my healing protocols for my gallbladder & thyroid. starting august 1 i am going gluten-free again, and eating nothing but raw living foods for a month. going on vacation in september so i'm inspired to get super-clean before then, so i can eat whatever i like during that time. which will mostly be super-clean anyway!
also i've begun spending time meditating, doing affirmations & being alone in nature daily, and i feel so very much more calm & happy. and i have to say, i have the most wonderful books in my home library! i re-discovered this one the other day and it is truly amazing: embrace tiger return to mountain, by chungliang al huang. beautiful and inspirational!